AWMF Publication
“America’s Reactive Foreign Policy: How U.S. Organizational Behavior and Culture Advantages China”
Travis is an actively serving U.S. Army Strategist and a Term Member at the Council on Foreign Relations. He previously served as an Art of War Scholar at the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College (CGSC) and as a research assistant at the Henry A. Kissinger Center for Global Affairs. He holds an MA in Strategic Studies and International Economics from the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS), an MMAS in Strategy from CGSC, and a BS from the United States Military Academy.
AWMF Publication
“America’s Reactive Foreign Policy: How U.S. Organizational Behavior and Culture Advantages China”
Elliot currently serves as a John S. McCain Strategic Defense Fellow in the Office of the Secretary of Defense. He received an MA in Strategic Studies and International Economics from the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies (’22), as well as a BA in International Studies from Johns Hopkins University (’20). During his academic career, he worked at Rebellion Defense, National Defense Industrial Association (NDIA), U.S. House of Representatives, Kirkland and Ellis LLP, and Textron Systems.
Ido is an associate fellow at The Washington Institute for Near East Policy and a PhD student at American University’s School of International Service. He is the author of the book Soldiers of End-Times: Assessing the Military Effectiveness of the Islamic State, published by The Washington Institute. His work has appeared in Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, Middle Easy Policy, Terrorism and Political Violence, Small Wars Journal, NBC, Jerusalem Post, and other publications.
Evan is a strategy consultant, writer and entrepreneur living in Washington State, USA. He is the author of Strategic Renaissance (AMACOM, 2001) and holds 2 medically-related patents. Evan worked as a Washington, DC lobbyist in energy and transportation, as a McKinsey & Co. consultant and president of EMD & Assoc., Inc. Evan holds a B.A. from St. John’s College (Annapolis, MD), a PhD from the University of Texas (Austin) and an MBA from Harvard. He lives in Vancouver, WA with his wife Jane, a terrific mom and entrepreneur, and some books.
AWMF Publication
“‘The Incalculable Element’: Ancient Innovations for Modern Security Problems,” Audio, January 2024.
“‘The Incalculable Element’: Ancient Innovations for Modern Security Problems,” May 2023.
Emily is a PhD candidate in Political Theory at the University of Texas at Austin. Her dissertation examines the ambiguous concept of charismatic leadership through works by thinkers such as Weber, Xenophon, and Plutarch. After graduation, she hopes to continue exploring questions of justice, leadership, and political ambition as seen in both ancient and modern texts—and to continue considering how the teachings of these texts illuminate the political problems we face today.
Finalist, 2021 Andrew W. Marshall Paper Prize on Future Reconfigurations in Asia 2045
Linda Zhang is a Professional Staff Member on the House Select Committee on the Chinese Communist Party, where she specializes in trade and economic issues. Previously, she worked at the United Nations in the Department of Operational Support and the American Enterprise Institute, where she researched issues related to the Chinese economy, demographics, and U.S.-China relations. She was a Liu Xiaobo Fellow with the Congressional Executive Commission on China and a special assistant at the U.S.-China Strong Foundation. She holds an M.A. in Strategic Studies from Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies, a Certificate in Chinese studies from the Hopkins-Nanjing Center, and a B.A. from Boston University.
Winner, 2021 Andrew W. Marshall Paper Prize on Future Reconfigurations in Asia 2045
AWMF Publication
“‘A State in Disguise of a Merchant’: Multinational Tech Corporations and the Reconfiguration of the Balance of Power in Asia,” October 2022.
Treston Wheat is a red team analyst with Milestone Technologies focusing on threat actor/tactics, techniques, and procedures research; wargaming; and alternative analysis. Previously, he worked as a strategic cybersecurity analyst and geopolitical risk analyst for AS Solution embedded in a major tech company. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville (UTK) with a dissertation on Augustinian just war theory and drone warfare, and during that time taught classes on American government, the presidency, and political cinema. He also received his B.A. in Political Science and History from UTK and his M.A. in Security Studies from Georgetown University.
Hudson Institute Center for Defense Concepts and Technology
Scholar Publication
“Immaterial Competition: Rethinking the Roles of Economics and Technology in the US-China Rivalry,” May 2022.
Arthur Tellis is an operations research analyst in the Office of the Secretary of Defense, Cost Assessment and Program Evaluation. In that capacity, he produces operational analysis and supports budgetary decisionmaking on offensive cyber, artificial intelligence, and related enabling capabilities. He previously worked in the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Policy on cyberspace operations technology development, cybersecurity partnerships, and intelligence issues. Prior to joining the Department of Defense, he was a staffer on the Senate Armed Services Committee, where he supported the committee’s oversight and legislative activities within the cyberspace operations and cybersecurity portfolio. He graduated from the University of Chicago in 2016 with a major in Economics and a minor in History.
AWMF Publications
“Franco-Chinese Relations from Yesterday to Tomorrow and the Future of the CCP,” March 2023.
“Les relations francochinoises, d’hier à demain, et l’avenir du PCC,” March 2023.
Stéphane Malsagne holds a PhD in Contemporary History from the Sorbonne University (Paris I) and is a researcher on Chinese and Middle East history. He has taught in different French academic institutions and has authored numerous books (two received prestigious awards from the French Academy and the Arab World Institute) and scientific articles in France and overseas. His most recent book forthcoming in 2022 is about Chinese contemporary history and offers the first full biography of Mao’s forgotten successor: “Avec toi au pouvoir, je suis tranquille”. Hua Guofeng (1921-2008), Les Indes savantes.
AWMF Publications
“CCP Weapons of Mass Persuasion: The Past and Potential Future of the United-Front Threat to America,” March 2023.
“Les armes de persuasion massive du Parti communiste chinois Le passé et l’éventuel avenir de la menace du front
uni à l’Amérique ,” March 2023.
Ella Harvey is a China Analyst and Chinese linguist at Long Term Strategy Group in Washington, DC, specializing in the early history of the CCP’s United Front work and the evolution of the Party’s grassroots information warfare strategic repertoire. She is also a Public Service Fellow at Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies.
AWMF Publications
“Franco-Chinese Relations from Yesterday to Tomorrow and the Future of the CCP,” March 2023.
“Les relations francochinoises, d’hier à demain, et l’avenir du PCC,” March 2023.
A member of Sciences Po Paris Centre for History and holder of a PhD in history, Pierre Grosser teaches international relations history and contemporary world history. He specializes in the history of the Cold War, the Indochina War, and Asia in international relations. His latest publications include 1989, l’Année où le Monde a Basculé, Perrin, 2nd ed., 2019; L’Histoire du Monde se Fait en Asie: Une autre Histoire du XXe Siècle, Odile Jacob, 2nd ed., 2019; and Pourquoi la Seconde Guerre Mondiale? Archipoche, 2nd ed, 2022. His book on the risk of war between the United States and China will be published in Spring 2023 by Presses du CNRS.
AWMF Publications
“CCP Weapons of Mass Persuasion: The Past and Potential Future of the United-Front Threat to America,” March 2023.
“Les armes de persuasion massive du Parti communiste chinois Le passé et l’éventuel avenir de la menace du front
uni à l’Amérique ,” March 2023.
Jacqueline (Jackie) Deal is co-founder of the American Academy for Strategic Education (AASE), which teaches courses on net assessment, and president of the Long Term Strategy Group, a defense consultancy. She has led multiple Summer Studies for the Office of the Secretary of Defense on topics related to the People’s Liberation Army, and has testified before the U.S.-China Economic & Security Review Commission at hearings on PLA modernization; the South China Sea; and Chinese Communist Party political warfare. Her work has been published in the Journal of Strategic Studies, National Interest, National Review, and Politico, among other outlets.