“Franco-Chinese Relations from Yesterday to Tomorrow and the Future of the CCP,” March 2023.
“Les relations francochinoises, d’hier à demain, et l’avenir du PCC,” March 2023.
A member of Sciences Po Paris Centre for History and holder of a PhD in history, Pierre Grosser teaches international relations history and contemporary world history. He specializes in the history of the Cold War, the Indochina War, and Asia in international relations. His latest publications include 1989, l’Année où le Monde a Basculé, Perrin, 2nd ed., 2019; L’Histoire du Monde se Fait en Asie: Une autre Histoire du XXe Siècle, Odile Jacob, 2nd ed., 2019; and Pourquoi la Seconde Guerre Mondiale? Archipoche, 2nd ed, 2022. His book on the risk of war between the United States and China will be published in Spring 2023 by Presses du CNRS.
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